Suggest national data services in the Epidemiology and Biology of Infection research area
Published: 2024-09-05

SciLifeLab collaborates with specific partner organisations to organise work related to data services and bioinformatics support as part of The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS). This work takes place at one of four Data Science Nodes. These four nodes, one for each of the scientific focus areas of the DDLS program, are located across Sweden. They comprise of staff from SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS (National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden). The staff are embedded in relevant environments at the hosting organisations, and are also integrated into teams supporting relevant services and bioinformatics, respectively.
The Epidemiology and Biology of Infection Node (hosted at Umeå University) is reaching out to the data-driven life science community to better understand their needs. In particular, they are seeking descriptions of potential national data services in the field of epidemiology and biology of infection. The proposals will be assessed by the node to determine which services could be developed/supported. These services will benefit from, among other things, significantly increased promotion, which could lead to greater opportunities for funding opportunities and collaboration.
To find out more about how to propose services, and to submit proposals, check out the call on the Anubis system. The deadline for submission is 30th September at 23:59 CET.