Dashboard on Register-based COVID-19 Vaccination Study (RECOVAC) updated & expanded
Published: 2023-01-20

Check out the latest updates to the RECOVAC dashboard on the Swedish COVID-19 & Pandemic Preparedness Data Portal. The RECOVAC dashboard is centred around register-based data from the RECOVAC project (Register-based large-scale national population study to monitor COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness and safety). The project is led by Prof. Fredrik Nyberg (University of Gothenburg), and is funded by both the SciLifeLab/KAW COVID-19 National Research Program and VetenskapsrÄdet. The RECOVAC dashboard contains information about the project (e.g. how to make data access requests and the methodology used), as well as visualisations of data from the project.
The RECOVAC project, a register-based national population study, uses an observational research approach to monitor the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccinations. The RECOVAC project also evaluates the adverse effects of vaccination, and assesses whether they covary with other patient traits.
The dashboard has two sebsections containing data. One such section concerns data on the adult population of Sweden overall, the other concerns data specifically related to those diagnosed with specific comorbidities in Sweden. For the general adult population, we visualise vaccination coverage and the number of admissions to intensive care units (ICU). This data is subdivided by age range (> 18 years, 18-59 years, > 60 years) as well as vaccine dose level (no doses - four doses). By contrast, we visualise vaccination coverage and the number of COVID-19 cases for those disgnosed with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, and/or cancer. All visualisations are highly interactive, allowing users to explore the data and examine the aspects most of interest to them. For example, it is possible to view data for patients within certain age groups, patients that have received a given vaccination dose level, or within a specific period of time.
The data is generally updated every 1-3 months. The visualisations on the dashboard are updated as quickly as possible after data is made available from the RECOVAC project. Data is currently available up until late September 2022. Not all data is available for exactly the same period of time, but it is possible to align the timeframes of comparable datasets.
As part of the latest update, information has been added on recent work from the RECOVAC project on both determinants of vaccination and vaccine effectiveness. The ‘determinants of vaccination’ subsection describes some recent work by the RECOVAC project exploring the factors that influence vaccination coverage. The ‘vaccine effectiveness’ subsection describes recent work exploring the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation, ICU admission, and death up to 13 months after vaccination.
The Swedish COVID-19 & Pandemic Preparedness Portal invites other researchers affiliated to a Swedish university or research institute to contact us about featuring their work. We are happy to work with you produce pages/dashboards on projects focused on infectious diseases (including COVID-19), pandemic preparedness, or antibiotic resistance. You can get in touch by sending an email to datacentre@scilifelab.se or using our contact form.