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Data on COVID-19 testing in Uppsala County and dashboard with maps, trends and more now available

Data on COVID-19 testing in Region Uppsala and dashboard with test positivity rate, maps, trends and more now available on the COVID-19 Data Portal

Published: 2021-02-11

Data on COVID-19 testing in Uppsala County and dashboard with maps, trends and more now available
CRUSH Covid logo and partners: Uppsala University, Region Uppsala.

The COVID-19 pandemic impact on healthcare, society, and everyday life warrants accelerated research and the possibility to follow the different parameters and identify outbreaks in real-time. CRUSH Covid is a collaboration between the Region Uppsala and researchers from four different departments at Uppsala University and one researcher at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The project was launched in August 2020 by Mats Martinell (senior lecturer at the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine) and Tove Fall (professor at the Department of Medical Sciences, Molecular Epidemiology) and colleagues. The overall aim of CRUSH Covid is to map local outbreaks and catch early signals of increased SARS CoV-2 infections in Uppsala County and mitigate the impact of society by targeted efforts by Region Uppsala, for example, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs).

The CRUSH Covid dashboard includes a number of different sections: weekly summary reports, trends regarding the number of positive of cases, likely sources of infection as per patient reports, distribution of the COVID-19 test positivity by different postcodes in Region Uppsala, measurements of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the wastewater, age distribution for the people tested for COVID-19 and for the positive cases, monthly R value estimations, and, finally, information from the 1177 telephone helpline about residents asking for COVID-19 related advice. Wastewater analysis is supported by SciLifeLab and Uppsala Vatten. Modelling work is supported by Vinnova.

At the moment, CRUSH Covid team is openly sharing data about the number of COVID-19 tests in Region Uppsala. For each postal code, the dataset contains weekly data on cases per capita, tests per capita and % positivity. The link for downloading these data is available on the CRUSH Covid page of the portal. The team is planning on making more of the data behind the other sections of the dashboard available in the future as well.

Researchers working on CRUSH Covid

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