In this section, we report major pieces of news related to the Portal. This can include, for example, new pages, new/improved features, or important progress in the field of pandemic preparedness in Sweden.
We will not detail all updates here, though. For example, we will not include infromation about updates to data/dashboards that occur at least monthly. We also do not inform about each new data highlight/funding opportunity/project/publication update in this section.

New Editorial discussing the environmental surveillance of antimicrobial resistance.
A thought-piece on how environmental tracking of antimicrobial resistance should be done. It aims to provoke discussion between scientists and stakeholders, particularly in light of upcoming EU legislation.

Suggest national data services in the Epidemiology and Biology of Infection research area
The Swedish Pathogens Portal is a service in which the Epidemiology and Biology of Infection data science node, hosted at Umeå University, is heavily involved. The node helps to steer the Portal in order to best suit the needs of the Swedish research community.

New dashboard on predicting the next dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2
The latest dashboard: “SARS-CoV-2 variant competition” on the Portal features the results of a model capable of predicting the variant of SARS-CoV-2 that’s likely to become dominant based on geographical statistics.

Information about mpox in Sweden
A case of clade 1 mpox has recently been detected in Sweden. See here to see the resources currently available on the Swedish Pathogens Portal.

New data sources and repositories section
A section showing sources and repositories for data related to infectious disease and pandemic preparedness has been added. This will contribute to making data more Open and FAIR.

New data highlight on the incompatablility of receptors in influenza A transmission
Nilsson et al. showed that sialylated glycan structures that were previously thought to be exclusive to mammals were present in avian species. Mass spectrometry proteomics shared openly.

Update on multi-disease serology and Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness at SciLifeLab.
Recent updates to existing sections for pandemic laboratory preparedness, and news of a new dashboard.

New Editorial about leveraging genomic data to improve anthrax surveillance
A perspective on Bacillus anthracis, a pathogen known as a biological threat, and how WGS data and surveillance can help researchers respond to cases and threats.

New editorial about friendly or disease-causing pathogens
This new Editorial by Luisa W Hugerth, who is part of Portal Editorial Committee, discusses what makes a pathogen, which a focus on the microbes in our bodies.

Wastewater updates for Gothenburg
The Norder group at Gothenburg University have recently updated their methods related to quantifying SARS-CoV-2 and enteric viruses in wastewater. Data collected using this new method are now available, and older data collected using their previous data have been moved to a ‘historic’ page.

ISIDORe offers services for infectious disease research
The ISIDORe project aims to accelerate research and enhance pandemic preparedness efforts across Europe by assembling and providing access to crucial research resources. This includes their state-of-the-art facilities, services, advanced equipment, and expertise.

New dashboard showing SARS-CoV-2 sequences in Uppsala
Today we are launching a new dashboard showing information on the SARS-CoV-2 sequences detected during surveillance efforts by the section for Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene at Uppsala University Hospital.

Influenza added as a topic
The content of the portal is broadly organised into ’topics’ related to pathogens and pandemic preparedness. Influenza is our latest topic.

New editorials section
Today, we are launching a new section containing ’editorials’. Editorials are short opinion-style articles detailing the ‘current thinking’ on a given subject.

Becoming the first national node of the Pathogens Portal
We are very proud to announce that we are transitioning the Portal into the first national node of the Pathogens Portal. This marks the next step in our efforts related to pandemic preparedness.

Update to include data on enteric viruses in wastewater
The Portal is happy to announce that the wastewater dashboard now includes data on the quantification of enteric viruses from the Norder group at Gothenburg University (GU).

Recent updates and upcoming improvements
An overview of recent updates and improvements, and things to look out for in future.

National COVID-19 biobank sample collection made available for research on the Portal
A unique new sample collection has been added to the COVID-19 Sample Collection Database. The collection comprises of over 1.5 million samples collected by Swedish healthcare regions and processed by the National Pandemic Centre throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Swedish national resources on IDTk
The Portal is a partner in the BY-COVID project. We have added a page to the Infectious Diseases Toolkit (IDTk) related to infectious disease data in Sweden.

Update to wastewater epidemiology dashboard
The Portal team is working closely with groups at multiple Swedish universities that are involved in wastewater epidemiology to bring you the latest research in this area.

New section for pandemic preparedness events
A new section has been added to promote events relevant to pandemic preparedness. This could include, for example, events related to biobanks, antibiotic resistance, or particular pathogens.

Portal welcomes editorial committee
An editorial committee has now been established. The members will work closely with us to maximise the value of the Portal for the research community.

Dashboard on Register-based COVID-19 Vaccination Study (RECOVAC) updated & expanded
New information related to determinants of vaccination and vaccine effectiveness have been added to the RECOVAC dashboard. The data has also been updated.

Explore COVID-19 publications in the field of social sciences and humanities on the Portal
The Portal contains a database of COVID-19 publications involving Swedish researchers, and an available data section that shows which share data and/or code. It has long been possible to filter both the database and available databases by certain topics. Now, it is possible to identify the research, data, and code related to social sciences and humanities.

The latest updates to the COVID-19 & Pandemic Preparedness Portal
The scope of the portal has expanded in 2022 to include other pathogens and pandemic preparedness in general. We’ve created lots of new content and features in response to this (with more planned!).

Relaunch as Swedish COVID-19 and Pandemic Preparedness Portal
Today we officially relaunch the site as the Swedish COVID-19 and Pandemic Preparedness Portal. We have been gradually transitioning sections of the Portal throughout 2022. Our latest section involves a collation of resources related to pandemic preparedness.

Section on Register-based COVID-19 Vaccination Study (RECOVAC) launched
Data visualisations, information, and publications related to the RECOVAC project are now available on the portal. Visualisation codes are publicly available.

The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal two year anniversary
The national Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal was launched two years ago today. The portal has been an important part of the pandemic response in Sweden. On our anniversary, we reflect on past highlights and look to the future.

Tutorial for SARS-CoV-2 genome data submission to ENA now available
Today, we are launching a ENA tutorial on how to submit SARS-CoV2 sequences to the European Nucleotide Archive. The tutorial caters to both experienced and first time sequence submitters.

Statistics, information, and research related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Sweden now available on the Portal
The Visualizations are based on data freely available from the Swedish Health Agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten).

BY-COVID – a collaborative effort to tackle data challenges that can hinder effective pandemic response
The BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) is a recently launched €12 million project funded by Horizon Europe. The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal is one of the 53 partners from 19 countries taking part in the project.

New section on the Portal about register-based research
The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal is launching a section on register-based research in Sweden containing an overview of relevant registers and examples of research projects have used register data.

Statistics, information, and research about Post COVID-19 condition in Sweden now available on the Portal
Today, for the first time, the Portal provides information and summary statistics to show the impact of ‘Post COVID-19 condition’ (‘Postcovid’ in Swedish) in Sweden, and the research underway. All data and code used on the page is publicly available.

The Swedish SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research output since the beginning of the pandemic
To date, 1.400+ journal articles and preprints have been published by researchers affiliated to a Swedish university or research institute. The database of these publications is compiled by the Portal and is available for download.

The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal one year on - focus on openly sharing data and code
One year ago today, on June 3rd 2020, the Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal was launched and became the first national node of the European data sharing platform for COVID-19 research efforts. Here, we look back at the highlights over the last year.

SARS-CoV-2 wastewater data from cities across Sweden now available
The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal is launching a section with wastewater epidemiology data. Weekly data from Uppsala, Stockholm, Umeå, and Örebro is presented in graphs and available for download.

Database of COVID-19 sample collections and biobanks in Sweden launched
In collaboration with Biobank Sweden, today we are launching a new section of the portal: the Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection Database. The database allows to search for available biobank sample collections.

Data on COVID-19 testing in Uppsala County and dashboard with maps, trends and more now available
The data portal is now launching a page with the CRUSH Covid dashboard with an option to download data on COVID-19 testing in each postal code of Uppsala County.

Statistics on SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests carried out by SciLifeLab now available
We are launching a page with statistics on the SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests carried out at the SciLifeLab Autoimmunity and Serology profiling facility.