This is a manually curated overview of research projects on COVID-19, infectious diseases in general, and antibiotic resistance which are funded by major funding agencies in Sweden. New projects are added on an ongoing basis. If you would like your project to be listed here, please get in touch with us.
For a list of all projects on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 funded by major Swedish funders since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic see this page.
See also SweCRIS, a database of all funded research projects for many of the large funding agencies in Sweden, where it is possible to search using custom keywords. For those interested specifically in COVID-19 projects, there is list of all ethically approved clinical studies on COVID-19 in Sweden available on (updated regularly; page available only in Swedish).
Last updated: 2024-07-23
PI affiliation
Project title | Funder | Topics |
Bacterial Injection Machines within the Human Gut: Structure, Function and Potential as Novel Avenue in Precision Medicine to Battle Antimicrobial ResistanceHost institute: Lund University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Curing Sepsis - a personalized bench-to bedside approach for prediction and treatment of short and long-term complication in sepsisHost institute: Lund University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
DELIVER: An Accelerated Antibiotic Screening PlatformHost institute: Uppsala University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Engineering of oligonucleotides for developing first-in-class antibioticsHost institute: Linköping University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Epidermal Bioelectronics for Infection Monitoring in Human Skin WoundHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Evolution and plasticity of cyclic di-nucleotide signaling networks in BacteriaHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
IDAR-Neo - Identification and characterization of fecal carriage of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in neonates in low-resource settingsHost institute: Chalmers University of Technology |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Identification of a Novel non-antibiotic Bactericidal agent to fight antimicrobial resistanceHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Immunobiology of MAIT cells in the healthy and infected human hostHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Informing genomic surveillance by uncovering, phenotyping and prioritising resistance genes to new antibioticsHost institute: University of Gothenburg |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Nanoengineered precision therapies of lower respiratory tract infectionsHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Standardized One Health surveillance of antiBiotic residues and antibiotic and heAvy metaL resisTance In BaltiC wAter environMents and wild biRdsHost institute: Linnaeus University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Standardized One Health surveillance of antibiotic residues and antibiotic- and heavy metal resistance in Baltic water environments and wild birdsHost institute: Linköping University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Structure, synthesis and recognition of carbohydrates and glycoconjugatesHost institute: Chalmers University of Technology |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
The role of the normal flora in preventing respiratory infections and antibiotic resistance spread.Host institute: Lund University |
Swedish Research Council | Antibiotic resistance |
Development of a novel interferon-based therapy to treat and prevent bacterial and viral infectionsHost institute: FarmPharma AB (publ) |
Vinnova | Antibiotic resistance |
Microcalorimetrics for precision diagnostics of orthopaedic infections (CAL- ORTHO)Host institute: SYMCEL SVERIGE AB |
Vinnova | Antibiotic resistance |
Invertebrates as vectors of antimicrobial resistance genes in urban landscapesHost institute: Uppsala University |
Formas | Antibiotic resistance |
Microsystem with electrical sensing of bacteria – a novel rapid diagnostic testHost institute: Uppsala University |
Formas | Antibiotic resistance |
Mental health of young LGBTQ+ people: Trends over time and during the COVID-19 pandemic, causes of mental ill-health, and ways to improve mental health of young LGBTQ+ peopleHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
The fatigue cohort - A longitudinal study on psychobiological mechanisms in post-COVID, chronic fatigue and exhaustion syndromes.Host institute: Stockholm University |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
The unequal pandemic: investigating the relationship between health equity and political responses to covid-19Host institute: Stockholm University |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Multifaceted mental health impact of COVID-19 – a cross-country comparison between Sweden and five other European countriesHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Indoor environments that reduce airborne transmission of infectionsHost institute: Lund University |
Formas | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Health systems resilience in managing the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from regional preparedness plans in SwedenHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
A comprehensive in-depth register-based analysis of the patient population diagnosed with post-acute COVID-19 condition (long COVID)Host institute: University of Gothenburg |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
The post-COVID associated autoantibody repertoireHost institute: KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Liproprotein structure-function and disease development: from atherosclerosis to covid-19Host institute: Malmö University |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Health literacy among older adults: Exploring older people´s prerequisites for understanding health information and making informed health choices.Host institute: Karolinska Institute |
Forte | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
COVID-19 and childhood cancer - diagnostic delay, survival, and COVID-19 susceptibilityHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Polarizing pandemics. Identity, emotions, and attitudes toward Covid-19 preventionHost institute: Kristianstad University |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Air quality and COVID-19: An individual-based population studyHost institute: Uppsala University |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Post-pandemic immunity, long-term disease symptoms and general health among young adultsHost institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Incomes, inequalities, and the welfare state during the covid-19 pandemicHost institute: The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Long-term follow-up of individuals with long-lasting cognitive deficits following mild COVID-19Host institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Pregnant under the pressure of a pandemic. Understanding why maternal and delivery healthcare varied in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic and assessing effects of variation on mother and childHost institute: University of Gothenburg |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Mental health consequences following the loss of a family member during the Corona pandemic: A multi-methods approachHost institute: Stockholm University |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
Generating evidence on the Impact of pandemic Social restrictions on Reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women in Uganda - Lessons learnt for better future preparedness (GIRLS)Host institute: Karolinska Institute |
Swedish Research Council | COVID-19Infectious diseases |
PLATINEA 2.0 Availability and individualized use of antibioticsyHost institute: Uppsala University |
Vinnova | Antibiotic resistance |