Publications with accessible data
Data available from Swedish public agencies and large data produces
Public Health Agency of Sweden:
- Number of cases and tests: Official statistics about COVID-19 cases and tests in Sweden.
- Number of administered vaccine doses: Official statistics about the number of vaccines that have been administered in Sweden.
- Variants of concern: Official variants of concern in Sweden.
Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen): Statistics on COVID-19 in Sweden - underlying cause of death; infected and deceased among the elderly and among persons with disabilities and residential arrangements; inpatient care (updated every Wednesday).
Register-based research: information, tools, examples (see also our RECOVAC dashboard).
Swedish Intensive Care Register: Statistics about ICU admissions in Sweden.
Swedish Pregnancy Register: Data about all pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 and newborns born to mothers diagnosed with COVID-19.
SciLifeLab Autoimmunity and Serology profiling facility SARS-CoV-2 antibody test statistics: Hosted by the portal, manually updated on a weekly basis.
CRUSH Covid data and dashboard, Region Uppsala: Number of tests and % positivity in each postal code in Uppsala län.
COVID Symptom Study Sweden: National research initiative for large-scale data collection and analysis of symptoms, exposure, and risk factors associated with the COVID-19 infection.
National Pandemic Centre COVID-19 test statistics: The daily number of tests carried out between April and December 2020 as well as test results.
Statistics on post COVID-19 condition in Sweden: Information regarding the diagnoses associated with long-term affects following COVID-19 infection. Includes relevant demographic data as well as data on associated symptoms, research projects focused on the condition, and background information. Data updated monthly.
Vaccine administration and vaccine research: Visualisations of the vaccine administration in Sweden, research projects on vaccines, publications on vaccines.
The list of available data on this Portal was curated manually until February 2022. After February 2022, we instead began to use a script to query the Europe PMC database (making use of their API) in order to locate relevant publications. We only include data from publications about COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 that BOTH involve at least one author affiliated with a Swedish research institution AND openly share reusable data and/or code. The code used for the query is written in Python and, as with all of our code, it is openly available in GitHub. We welcome others to reuse it and to repurpose it for other pathogens.
The lists of available data may not be exhaustive as the script used to generate it does not search for every possible database/repository. If you find that a dataset is missing, or that the information related to it is incorrect, please get in touch with us
Last updated: 2025-02-20