About the Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection Database
The Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection Database is a tool for researchers wishing to make use of samples and data stored in various biobanks across Sweden in their research. The database allows to find sample collections matching their needs using various filters. The filter searches include: sample collection name, keywords, diagnosis, available sample types (e.g., nasal swabs, DNA, saliva, whole blood, RNA, etc.), sample collection type (healthcare sample collections or research sample collections) and data types (e.g., data about biological material and medical records). For each collection, a short description, donor information, sample information as well as contact information for sample requests are provided.
Both the so-called healthcare sample collections and research sample collections are listed in the database. Healthcare sample collections are intended for diagnostics, treatment, and healthcare use but can be made available if a corresponding ethical approval from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority has been obtained. In case of the research sample collections, the responsible researcher has the right of disposal to the sample collection, and requests should be made directly to collection head (the new research study needs to either fall under the original ethics research approval or a new one will need to be obtained).
As of May 2023, the Sample Collection Database contains information about 36 sample collections from 18 different biobanks, as well as one national collection. The database is gradually expanded as information about new sample collections and biobanks is submitted.
Search in the COVID-19 Sample Collection Database
Submit information about sample collections
Those wishing to submit information about their sample collections to the database should contact Biobank Sverige (the linked page also contains forms for adding new collections to the database). Questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the database itself can be sent to pathogens@scilifelab.se.
Responsible organisations
The Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection Database is operated in collaboration with Biobank Sweden and the SciLifeLab National COVID-19 research program’s research area Biobanks for COVID-19. It has been developed by the SciLifeLab Data Centre as part of the Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal. The development of the database was supported by a funding initiative by the Swedish Research Council to Biobank Sweden that aims to nationally coordinate biobanking of COVID-19 related samples.

Relevant sample collections can be identified using one or a combination of several filtering tools provided on the left side of the page. The search results are then displayed on the right side of the screen.
Sample collection pages
Each sample collection has a page with information that has been submitted by the person or organisation responsible for providing access to the samples. General information, information about donors and available material types is provided on the left side of the page. The right side of the page contains contact information. In case of research sample collections, information about the collection head as well as information about the person who should be contacted regarding sample disposal (most often, it is the collection head herself or himself) is provided here. In case of healthcare sample collections, the responsibility for sample collection lies within the biobanking organisation, so only contact information for the whole organisation is provided here.
Biobank and national collection pages
Each biobank or national collection has a dedicated page with general information about the organisation as well as a list of sample collections stored at this particular biobank.
Information on this page was last updated: 2023.05.10